Tomodachi Life Kid Marriage

Why Nintendo patched Tomodachi Life’s same-sex relationships

Posted on April 11, 2014 by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News

— Mii, Tomodachi Collection. Marriage is a type of relationship in Tomodachi Collection and Tomodachi Life, in which two sweethearts join together and become husband and wife. Marriages occur after a certain amount of time (anywhere between months and just under a couple of hours) has passed and both Miis maintain a good relationship with. Parents need to know that Tomodachi Life is a lighthearted sim that lets kids create Miis and watch their whole island community evolve over time. Miis become friends, have fights, date, get married, and even have babies (all in mysterious ways, of course).

Last year, Nintendo released a patch for Tomodachi Life in Japan to address a bug that allowed for same-sex relationships. This same issue has also been tackled for the game’s upcoming western release.

May 07, 2014 Nintendo explains why it won't allow same-sex relationships in Tomodachi Life 'The relationship options in the game represent a playful alternate world rather than a real-life simulation.

Some may be curious as to why Nintendo fixed the bug in the first place, and why same-sex relationships aren’t possible. For those interested, check out Nintendo UK’s lengthy statement about the situation after the break.

Tomodachi Life Kid Marriage Full

Two developments occurred that led to some misunderstanding about this.

First, as a result of a mistake in comprehension of Japanese, some people misinterpreted Japanese reports and fan activity and thought same-sex relationships were possible.

This occurred because they saw Japanese fans posting game screenshots of male and female Mii characters, where female Mii characters were designed and clothed in such a way that they looked male. Since these explanations were made in Japanese by the Japanese fans who posted the images, the Japanese people do not have such a misunderstanding.

Second, a critical bug occurred in the original Japanese version of the game which made it impossible for the player to continue the game.

When Mii characters were imported from a Wii console, or the previous game in the Tomodachi Collection series on Nintendo DS (which was only released in Japan), into the Nintendo 3DS version, it could lead to scrambled Mii data within the Nintendo 3DS version.

This could result in different Miis being randomly assigned to existing in-game relationships, such as already married Mii, or as just one other example, giving the appearance of same-sex relations. Because this bug caused the inability for the player to save the game data and continue the game, we released a patch.

Source, Via

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One of the best

One of the best games on 3Ds been playing since 2015 and i cant stop.

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Great Game for Everyone who own a 3DS.

Tomodachi Life is a Great Game and you and put your Miis in the game. Nintendo really did it. ...and you can put up to 100 Miis in the game. They will *Fall in Love and have Mii Babies. (*No real use of s*x in this game.) For the Violence it's just that the Items they are thowing around or fighting with a bear or other stuff. You can feed your miis Food like White Bread, or other foods too. There happiness go up a Level by 1 until it hits Lv. 99 and after that it stays. I think the game is an EPIC WIN! Video Game to play so download from the eShop or get the game from the store. $34.99 + Sales Tax if you are in a state that has it. You might like play this for hours. Because the mii are likely too play with you or has to be friends with another Mii.
Tomodachi Life Kid Marriage

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Tomodachi Life Kid Marriage Video


You can just be sitting there, checking on them at 2 AM while the crickets outside are chirping and they're sleeping to peaceful music and everything else is quiet. And then you realize, you've grown attached to the lives of little animated people you help out. You realize that this game is really charming and you really enjoy yourself. You realise, you actually care for it. And as soon as you do that the emotion that was there all along is now alot more prominent and will continue to be, as time will go on.

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Good fun game but beware!

Whilst this seems like a fun game I've just discovered a worrying possibility. When creating Miis you enter the date of birth however it is possible to give adults a 'kidomatic'. This resulted in my daughter exclaiming that her grandfather and best friend - who have never met - were boyfriend and girlfriend on tomadatchi life. Needless to say I was horrified. Whilst there is an acknowledgement of this being a virtual world and just a bit of fun I wouldn't want my kids thinking that this is ok on any level - any kind of familiarity with this idea is concerning. My daughter was very upset as part of the game is to buy things for the character and it seems the only way to change the characters status is to delete and recreate although I will have to look into this further.

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tomodachi life is iffy for kids who dont now how to read or learning.

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